Jumat, 30 Oktober 2009

new hetalia fic

after finishing the cage, I plan to write about anothre AU but it's gakuen AU
still rochu though but my head filled with another angst OTL
and I already promised dudi that I won't make an angst, or should I? *gets kick*

the chara and the relationship:

Wang Yao
3rd grader of senior high school, very responsible and hard working older brother. Lived with his younger brother Kiku who still schooling at the same school. He is very over protective to his brother that every people that approaching his bro, will got his observations.

he's known for his sharp mouth and really have a good friend named Arthur, who act similar with him (tsundere) he has to maintain his point at school for scolarship, the same thing happened to Kiku.

When he detects Kiku get along with the oh not so good reputation holder Ivan, he becomes aware and spied where ever Ivan step or how he act. Once they talking, Yao let his brother to have a relationship with the tall man-as long as Kiku can smile.

But still he can't let Kiku alone with that guy and somehow they have three way relationship. While Kiku and Ivan dating, Yao always there and becoming their partner and they enjoy it so much, with discussions, studying etc until Yao realizes what they're doing are wrong and he just in the way.

Slowly he starts to pull himself from the pairing and avoid them. It makes Kiku curious and asks Ivan to ask his brother since if Kiku himself asking his brother will only answer "there's nothing wrong"

When the larger man confronts him, Yao only bashes him with saying "There's none of your concern" and walked away but Ivan held his arms and tells him to stay and that's when Yao realizes the reason why he wanted to pull away, he already falls in love with his brother's lover...

2nd grader of high school. Being labelled as school creep makes him doesn't have any friend at school. The rumors said that he has that curses that can lead the bugger to die but of course it's all fake. He is just an ordinary student with excellent brain. He spotted as the #1 student for 2nd grader (even though he has a rather not convincing looks)

Outside the school he has an old friend that schooling in international school, his name is Alfred. They don't get along too well but their friendship lasts. He lives with his older sister Katyusha and little sister Nataliya but decided to walk out from home and stay in a small apartment room.

He is often seen with Kiku, since they find match on the "can't get along too well" and the only person except Yao that can makes Kiku laugh and that's the only reason why Yao trusts Ivan to be with Kiku and he respects Yao. Not much can be said about this blond man, including his misterious disappearance for a few days in a month.

Honda Kiku
2nd grader of highschool and spotted as #2 below Ivan. Kiku is an introvert kid since he was born. He only shares secret to the people he believe and not laugh that much. He really loves Yao who rises him since their parents died 2 years ago.

and now he's trying to help his brother by working part time too after school.

Ivan is his only company besides his brother and he is happy to have the blond around him and his brother and already acknowledge him as part of his family.

Kiku is hard to describe, he has that poor expressioned face that makes everyone have the doubt to befriend him. Kiku is the opposite of his brother. If yao is scared because of his act and mouth then Kiku is scared for being mysterious.

this is the draft...I guess...I already plan for the sequel :D
I want to title this as "My Brother's Lover is My Sex Partner" OTL
seems so wrong (YES IT ISS) <--random voices.

I think I need my sleep...bye...

Selasa, 16 Juni 2009

hmm...new obsession?

Dunno when it starts but this series really corrupting my mind lately...
well maybe it can be compared to Bleach series...
but this one is different, if it compared to Bleach, then the sketch/drawing is less less less but there's strange charm behind it...IDK it really picked my interest
I even made a fanfic about it...IT REALLY CAN'T BE HELPED
Axis Powers Hetalia
series about a character symbolized one country, err...it sounded not fair if every ppl generalized like those one character but this series is not about judging one country being those stereotypical but take it as entertainment but indonesia hasn't appear

seems like I have to change this blog pic since I have my new amusement but later when I feels like I wanna do it and having something in my brain *failz*
something that really can't compared to Kuroshitsuji, my ex-fandom but it maybe because Joker and the circus members dies *how cruel* waaaahhh (cries like river)

now I'm so grateful I made LJ account since it really useful for this fandoming, note: all the hetalia treasures were in LJ lalalala it means I'm free to stealz them wahahaha *slapped*

talked about hetalia I finished reading the scanlations in two days, so reminiscense about Bleach, where I read all the books and chapters just for searching GinRan moments...gyaah...memorieesss now I'm not reading Bleach agan, such an irony but still I joined in BA, just really can't leave my e-friends and e-family plus I'm gonna e-married soon x_x

in Hetalia, my heart already pinned to one charachter he's Russia or Ivan Braginsky *kyaaaahh*
IDK...he's fat big boned and nothing special about his appearance except his yandere-ness <333 style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;">Japan or Honda Kiku and Greece or Herakles Karpusi (Karpusi means watermelon 0__o)

as for pairings...
I love Giripan or Greece x Japan
and now I become maniac for Russia x China
and US x UK
shounen ai?
well like I said it can't be helped!!
since most of the chara are guys and they're cute...and if history involved there then somehow it canonz...

ugh...because most of the fans art and the original artworks are in my laptop (and lazy to open it) post anything that I've got in my PC XD

Russia & China, peek a b00...XD
IDK seems like it's original artwork, soooo cuuute <3

and someone reads my mind about fic I wrote...somehow this pic represent the condition on my fic...I'm so amused XD...and here's the LINK to my fanfic, even it seems so light but no no no...it WON'T be light LOL geez...I have to learn to write fluff >_>

America/Alfred as the president of student council
Kiku as discipline prefect and always wears neat uniform and he's the smartest
Russia/Ivan as the regent he's so full of mistery
England/Arthur as vice president having hard time with his lover (Alfred)
France/Francis as secretary the Mr. Casanova, has secret with his childhood friend, Arthur

anywayz...maybe that's all for today post, this is 17 June 2009 at 2:30 AM and I haven't take a bath XD

Senin, 23 Februari 2009

damn technical failure

I'm so glad though that everything is just misunderstood

the things that mada me couldn't sleep
and think about all night long was cause by
technical failure, I hate it!!

I'm not losing my friendship
now I'm sooooo okay
but I think I'm gonna flu

and I can't access my FFnet account!!

Minggu, 22 Februari 2009


I never wrote this kind before in blog, I hate to admit it but I'm trully and really sad
I should've not made facebook if I lost my friendship

I'm just asking to my self


did I do something wrong?
or I said something that made her angry??
all I want to do is being nice to anyone

maybe she just can't accept me

Selasa, 17 Februari 2009

miss you all

I should've get my Facebook sooner *gyaaaa*
there's bunch of my elementary school friends there
uh...it's been umm almost 10 years since the graduation and I miss them all T_T

I hope the reunion will be held soon

while at it my developement in my Granzcest fic is awesomely progressing
thanks to JunJun who gave me the idea
but now I must think another revision for the supposed to be chapter 8 but now is chapter 9
the steamy scene is too...brutal *heheheh*

and there's writing contest in writer FC in BA now I wanna concentrate on it
but then again DAMN INTERNET |:

Senin, 26 Januari 2009


since BA's system dropped down there's nothing much to do for me
uuh...I miss my friends and family there
I can't post, discuss or simply spamming again, uuh...
wonder when it totally fixed...

let see...not much to do huh?!
I have one annoying uni work named PKV
damn it!!

have to make paper or essay or whatever it is
with the dummy
damn promotion media and the cost estimation
suddenly I felt like economy student
nope...nope...my major
conclude all the subject in other major -_-

arrgh I want this boredom to be over soon!!
better I re-read all granzcest doujin for relaxation *love*

Minggu, 25 Januari 2009


I tried to enter the forum over and over again
and it keeps saying that the page load error
pissed off

I wanna posting or just simply spamming
and meet my family there
and because I'm too busy to foruming
kinda forget to fill this blog
and before I know this blog is my obsession :D

in that forum I already gained a family
such a short time huh :D
but that's my joy at this time

and my family consist:
1 brother in law
- he's married with my older sis, his name is IchimaruGin
1 pair of twin older sis
-Chibihana, married to IchimaruGin and we share a lot common hobby, Malaysian
-Jinxie, my other older sis, Chibihana tweeny loves to cosplay, Malaysian who live in Aussie
2 niece
-Lunar, haven't met him/her, she/he never OL recently
-Kyara, good nagging niece, love her so much, Germany
1 pet
-SannaLan, nice pet but I want her to consider me not as her mistress, but her auntie too, she calls me aunty

we're a happy little family :D

and about my fic that abandoned a while too
it gives me a good stats
up until now the stories gained:
Itoshii Go Yo: 1540 readers
Please Turn the Time: 400 readers
Not Me: 106 readers

back to the forum
I joined some of the most awesome FC
where we discuss about a lot of things related to characters or the FC it self
and I'm too exagerated to join untul I forgot to introduced my self to the entire forum
the FC are:
-Granzcest FC *now version 2* - the first FC I joined and the reason why I joined, this FC is my treasure one of the member and friend Arankaru-san is so kind to share her doujins while JunJun-san loves to make AMV and all of them are awesome!! both of them are incredible when it comes to icon making *I envy them*
-Szayel Aporro Granz FC *still version 8* - the second FC I joined most of the members are members on Granzcest...eto...reverse...most of Granzcest members are members on this FC
-GinRan FC *ver 2* - I looooovvvveeee this canon pairing so I need to join!! this FC also contains many treasures
-Gin FC - at that time Gin is the reason why I read bleach so I haavee to join
-Il Forte Granz FC *still version 1* - Szayel chan no onii-san heehee he's a cutie
-AiGin FC - crack pairing for Gin heehee
-UkiUno FC - loove this tender crack pairing
-Malay Bleachers FC - for malays and Indonesian bleachers
-Writers FC - for fic/novel writer like me :D
-IkkaYumi FC - met with my dear niece here love this friendship love
-The (new) Jpop FC - just joined recently

umm guess just that...
or there is any??

Sabtu, 10 Januari 2009

Forum for maniac and college portfolio

recently I just joined a forum that have one common thing with me
Bleach freak...

actually I have been watch this FC but I don't have any will to join
but I joined at least after robbed what I want from this FC

my alias was devidev...
and I really-really have fun there
never know that forum-ing would be such this fun
with all the people who share the same interest
utterly fall in love with them :inlove
only a few days passed they really like my family

and about the story I post for FF.net
the people who read my story reach
1371 readers

Itoshii go yo: 1145 readers
Please turn the time: 130 readers
Not me: 90 readers
Place for departing my heart: 6 readers

with Itoshii go yo which already finish
now left the Granzcest, please turn the time one
I'll work on it again for the 4th chapter
it's so ha~~aard!!

now it's time to get serious a bit
got to post college work coz this blog's purpose is for college works too
then this is:

works for PKV 4 for promotion media, I took Oceanpark as a subject here

I think that's all coz I prefer manual for my works and I haven't scan it yet